Summary: The Kowaliga Bridge Project commenced in the summer of 1970 and concluded in the summer of 1974. This ambitious endeavor involved construction of a two-lane state highway bridge spanning Lake Martin, with a remarkable depth of 120 feet at its deepest point. A defining aspect of this project was the construction of ten of the deepest bridge pier cofferdams ever built in the United States at that time.
Scott Bridge Company’s comprehensive scope of services included designing and constructing cofferdams and temporary falsework for the bridge and roadway approaches. Notably, the engineering team, led by Mr. Jerry Swarthout Jr., demonstrated their expertise and prowess in tackling the challenges posed by extremely high water pressure during the temporary pump-out of the cofferdams for pier construction.
Result: These 120-ft deep cofferdams performed as designed, allowing the safe construction of the piers above the waterline, the erection of the structural steel, the pouring of the concrete decks, and the opening of the bridge to traffic. This project gained national recognition and established Scott Bridge Company as the leading deep water foundation company in the Southeast.
The Kowaliga Bridge Project showcased the exceptional teamwork of key individuals, including:
Their collective efforts and dedication contributed significantly to the project’s triumph, establishing Scott Bridge Company as a trusted and capable partner for complex and challenging infrastructure projects