Summary: Scott Bridge Company performed repairs and painting to the (16) sixteen spillway gates at Georgia Power Company’s Morgan Falls Hydroelectric Project. We used an owner-provided floating stop log to work on one gate. In an effort to expedite the work, we fabricated an additional stop log in our fabrication shop to allow us to work on two gates at the same time. The additional stop log enabled the painter to move from one gate to the next without interruptions. The work included installing a scaffold system around the spillway gates to prepare the surface, priming, and painting of the gates. The spillway gate repairs included removing the existing seals, chains and lifting lugs and replacing all with new materials. All this work was completed from a barge and crane.
Results: The work performed by Scott Bridge Company helped extend the lifespan of an essential component of Georgia’s energy infrastructure for decades to come. The Morgan Falls Hydroelectric plant supplies enough energy to power over 10,000 homes annually. Hydro power accounts for approximately 2 percent of Georgia Power’s total generation output.